We want to be known not only as a church that is passionate about loving God but also a church that teaches others what that means. At Church 213, you will find a group of people with struggles similar to your own…real people with real issues. But the key that we have discovered to coping with the craziness of today’s world is the life-changing power of God and His Word. Therefore, along with exciting worship services, we encourage gathering around the dinner table and sharing in God’s Word and ministering to and with one another.
We are a United Church That Believes It’s Not About Us…
One of the things that you’ll notice about our church is that we’re outward thinking. We truly believe that its not about us. For that reason, you’ll see lots of events for our community, workshops for hurting people and members involved in mission work all around the world.
We know that in order for people to believe that God loves them, they have to see it in action through His followers first.
We Are a Baptist Church That Believes in Networking…
We are an active Southern Baptist Church working along side other churches in the Stone Mountain Baptist Association for God’s glory. One of the real tragedies in the Christian world is that there are men, women and young people who feel God leading them to a certain ministry…but they don’t have the resources to follow that call. At Church 213, we believe that every member is a minister, so we want you to be involved in being like Jesus. God has called us also to be a church that plants churches, so Church 213 will be the catalyst for a Network which will assist leaders in starting new churches in our state, country and around the world.
Get Connected…
At Church 213 we want to help you connect. In today’s society the word “community” seems to mean the place you live rather than the relationships you have. But community in its truest sense, is vitally important to all aspects of life and faith, and a great place to “connect” is at the local church, therefore “connecting” is one of our core values. God created us for community and that means relationships with family, friends and certainly church family.
But of course, the most important connection is with God who desires a personal relationship with you.
Our values include “Loving Relationships with God and each other, therefore at Church 213 we place great value our relationship with you as well. Come and consider being a part of the Church 213 family. We will help you to connect through small groups, fellowships, and Bible Study, not to mention worship in an atmosphere of Godly love and wonderful fellowship. At Church 213 you will be valued by God and by people, because we are convinced that God has purpose for everyone, and in connecting with Him and the church family, you will discover that purpose. BTW like our FACEBOOK PAGE.